Church of St. Jude Vacation Bible School

St. Jude's Vacation Bible School is an inclusive outreach ministry program that extends a warm welcome to the wider community. It's mission is to provide a week of joy, discovery, and spiritual growth for children from all backgrounds. Programming features a blend of enriching activities including crafts, games, snacks, music, and engaging Bible lessons. For many young attendees, VBS is their first exposure to the teachings of the Bible, offering a fun-filled introduction to God's word. Beyond that, VBS instill the values of compassion and service, nurturing young hearts to understand the importance of helping others.

St. Jude initiated this program to address a critical community need: a safe, affordable, and enjoyable summer program for families. They create an inclusive space where children and families can come together, forging bonds and learning about God's love. The program operates on a free-will donation basis to ensure accessibility for all.

Through VBS, St. Jude aims to inspire children's spiritual growth and provide them with valuable life lessons. Additionally, they conduct outreach initiatives during VBS to address pressing community needs, involving our young participants in acts of service. The program not only touches the lives of the children, but also transforms the volunteers and our parish community. It fosters teamwork, builds leadership skills in youth volunteers, and unites the parish in it's mission purpose. Witnessing the campers taking the initiative to lead prayers is just one example of the profound impact VBS has on those involved.

In addition to the core activities outlined above, youth leaders guide children in skits and team-building exercises, boosting their self-confidence and interpersonal skills. Sharing stories and experiences promotes empathy and understanding among participants.

The St. Jude's Vacation Bible School ministry is a journey of faith, fun, and community building. Together, St. Jude's is sowing the seeds of love and compassion in the hearts of children and young people, strengthening the parish community.